We hope you are here because you have an interest in the Association for Exploring the Dynamics of Adult Attachment (AEDAA). We are delighted to share with you our progress so far in establishing AEDAA and invite you to make a donation to support its ongoing development.
After exploring various options, we decided to form a small unincorporated association. In recent months we have focused on writing a constitution for AEDAA. This has been developed with the full support of Una McCluskey. Please click on this URL to see the attached constitution document: https://mcusercontent.com/7f065befeba782dea3c631ae8/files/71167cf3-8552-4539-83a4-a6598099af4e/Model_Constitution_for_AEDAA_May_2023_Final_Draft.pdf.
The next step will be to develop a public platform for AEDAA by way of a website and communications plan. We aim to have the basis of a website ready to share with colleagues for peer review at the EGCP Conference in York in October 2023.
Fundraising: To achieve the goals of AEDAA and create a public presence an initial start-up fund is required:
1. To develop and build a website that will include high quality audio and visual content about the theory, practice, and uses of the McCluskey Model
2. To develop a communications plan to promote the Association.
3. To cover administrative costs (e.g., paying for the web domain, banking fees etc)
To achieve these goals, we calculate a minimum budget of £6,000 will be needed. Would you consider making a donation to support the establishment of AEDAA?
Our initial fundraising period will be during August 2023. We will contact all subscribers one week before the closing date with an update on funds received.
the easiest way to donate is directly by credit or debit card. Here is the link https://opencollective.com/aedaa.
If you wish to donate but do not wish to be identified, the process is as follows:
* Scroll down to the box marked Donate to AEDAA. Click on blue button marked ‘Contribute’.
* Once you have identified the amount you wish to contribute, click on the blue ‘Your info’ button.
* This takes you to the next page where there is a drop down box where you can either put your name or select ‘incognito’.
If the funding target is exceeded, all funds will be retained to cover the ongoing development of AEDAA.
If the funding target is not reached, the Steering group will review the feasibility of achieving our goals with the money we do have. If we deem it not feasible to go ahead, all identifiable funds will be returned.
Once AEDAA is fully established, we plan for it to operate on a membership basis with an annual fee, an elected committee overseeing direction and governance of the organisation and annual meetings. We anticipate this will come into effect from 2024. We hope membership will offer the following benefits: Members forum, access to resources, a platform to advertise events as well as a high-quality reference point to help give further validity and profile to the Dynamics of Adult Attachment.
As we are committed to AEDAA providing full financial transparency and accountability, we have opened an account with the Social Change Nest. You can read more about their work here https://thesocialchangeagency.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Social-Change-Nest-Impact-Report-2020-2022.pdf
For any questions, please email us via AEDAA2023@gmail.com and a member of the Steering Group will be happy to help you.
With best wishes,
Joanna, Jane, Nicola and Sharan
AEDAA Steering Group
© 2023 AEDAA, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Lanark Road West
Edinburgh, EH145ER
United Kingdom